Tag: <span>thoughts</span>

Ensign’s Log, Entry 46: January Month Map, Week Three Update

This is a few days late, but unsurprising given how busy I was last week with the Launch Party! I’m happy to report that I’m not longer sick and am also a lot less stressed now that the party is over. It was a lot of work, but also a …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 45: January Month Map, No Update This Week

Yes, that post title is correct, there’s no Month Map update this week. Though I did manage a few things earlier this week, the majority of it was spent fighting off, and eventually succumbing to, a cold. Or flu. Some sort of bug, anyway, that left me with very little …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 42: Goals for 2017

Any Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fans reading this? If so, take a moment to celebrate with me the wonderful coincidence that this post is my 42nd entry in my Ensign’s Log. *ahem* Now that I’ve paid homage to one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time, the …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 22: Time for some Introspection

This is a picture of me in Acadia National Park a couple years ago. It’s also my current profile picture on Scribophile, because I still haven’t gotten a good picture of my face (I’m simply not photogenic.) I like this picture because it reminds me that sometimes I need to …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 12: March Month Map Update!

Look at those cute bunnies! They should be multiplying much faster than this, but unfortunately I think Upgrade is only getting one revision this month, as I don’t have enough crits and don’t expect another full set of them before the end of the month to allow for a second …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 10: March Month Map!

Welcome to March! It’s the third month of the year, that time where, in some parts of the world, the snow is finally receding and birds, grass, and flowers are reappearing. Given that it snowed yesterday, it’s not quite spring yet here, but the month still has that renewal feel …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 9: February Month Map!

This should have been up yesterday, but due to an unforeseen lack of internet, I wasn’t able to post or even schedule it for posting. As far as January went, I think I made pretty good progress in terms of my goals. I didn’t actually start plotting out the Demons …