Tag: <span>Month Map</span>

Lieutenant Junior Grade’s Log, Entry 3: August Month Map and July Wrap-up!

Wow, July went by so fast! I had a lot of fun with Camp NaNoWriMo and my other ongoing projects. I also enjoyed a mini vacation in the beautiful province of Prince Edward Island. Now I’m back in Cape Cod for a bit, in order to attend the Cape Cod …

Lieutenant Junior Grade’s Log, Entry 2: Month Map Update and Giveaway!

I’ll get to the details on the giveaway momentarily, but first, here’s my shiny, updated July Month Map! Now for a quick rundown on my progress… Upgrade I have not made any further progress on this goal yet, mostly due to the fact that I just spent almost a week …

Lieutenant Junior Grade’s Log, Entry 1: July Month Map!

Before I dive into my July goals (and progress so far), I’d like to take a moment congratulate the winners of my Birthday Giveaway: Elise Edmonds, Allie May, and JD Burton! Congratulations, you three! Your signed paperbacks will be shipping soon. Now it’s time for that shiny month map. Upgrade …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 58: Update on May, or Why this blog will be silent for a while

A lot of things have happened these past two weeks–some good, some bad. The good: I have extra work this month that was unexpected but very welcome. Suffice to say, it’s doing what I want to be doing as my regular part-time job, and I hope it will lead to …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 57: May Month Map, aka an attempt at reasonable goals

It’s a new month, which means a clean, fresh start! (And cherry blossoms on my month map, since it’s around cherry blooming season in Brooklyn and I LOVE cherry blossoms.) This May, I’m going for simple, firm goals. No bonuses, no piling on things I might not have time to …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 55: April Month Map Week Two Update!

Yes, this is a few days late. This month has been so crazy… The breakdown: Upgrade: I’ve edited Chapter 5, putting me a quarter of the way through the book. Will be focusing more on this, as I really want to wrap up this revision. Don’t Make a Wish: Currently …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 54: April Month Map and March’s Wrap Up

April dawned bright, rainy, and hectic… But I finally snagged enough time to sort out my April goals and update my March month map. Let’s start with the results from March. So much color! March was definitely my most successful month yet, in terms of reaching goals. Not perfect, but …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 53: March Month Map, Week Three Update!

Here’s another Month Map update–this one’s actually on time, hurray! 🙂 Possibly even a little ahead of time, given that I still have half the day left and it’s only the 21st. But since I’ve been making good progress, what the hey! Let’s take a look at my map: Skin …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 52: March Month Map, Week Two Update!

I missed my week one update, but since most of what’s been done so far this month happened this past week, it’s not a big deal. However, now that we’re halfway through the month, it’s definitely time for an update! Here’s how I’m doing so far… Skin as White as …