Welcome to the last stop on the Fractured Ever After blog tour! I’m delighted to be hosting the wonderful Shannon Yukumi today. Shannon wrote “An Empire of Fools,” a lovely fractured retelling of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.
The Interview
Thank you so much for being here today, Shannon. Let’s start off by talking a little about your story. What inspired you to write “An Empire of Fools”?
I was inspired to choose Hans Christian Anderson’s “The Emperor’s New Clothes” as a base for this fractured tale because, as a child, the political nuances had always gone over my head and I could never quite figure out how anyone could be so blind that they would parade around their kingdom in the nude. There were just too many factors that made it difficult for me to suspend disbelief.
How could someone be so prideful or blind they would sacrifice their dignity to the extent the Emperor did in the original story? Why didn’t any of the Emperor’s advisors just tell the Emperor he was being conned? Needless to say, the story’s powerful message went right over my head, and my childish questions stayed with me all these years. I guess you could say that I wrote the story as an answer to my younger self. What if the Emperor wasn’t an idiot, and the conmen were telling the truth? Throwing in a bit of magic and a redemption arc for the poor old Emperor I think satisfied the child in me.
So in that vein, I set out to write the story for all the children who can’t stop asking “but why?” at the end of a fairy tale.
And I’m so glad you did! I was one of those children who always asked “but why?”, and I agree that that particular tale always struck me as strange.
If you could visit the empire for a day, who would you most like to meet, and why?
I would probably try and meet Rylia, the odd woman modeled after Arachne, the mortal weaver from Greek mythology. If I could find her. She would most definitely have the most interesting stories to tell.
I wondered what your inspiration for Rylia was. I’d love to meet her, too. She seemed like such a fascinating person!
If you could own a magical cloak, what properties would you want it to have?
I think the go-to answer is a cloak of invisibility ala Harry Potter, but I wouldn’t mind a mantle like Dr. Strange’s, as I could always use an extra set of hands to work on the numerous projects I always have going on at one time. I think the biggest problem is that no matter what answer I choose, cloaks and capes in this day and age are generally a fashion disaster, and no matter what kind of cool powers the cloak would possess, I would still look ridiculous. So how about instead of a cloak of invisibility, could I get an invisible cloak?
As long as I can always remember where I put it.
How about an invisible cloak like Dr. Strange’s mantle? I think that would be awesome, and I’d like one too.
Where is your favorite place to write?
My favorite place to write is at work during my lunch break. I’m already in a mindset to get things done, so I just ride that train all day. Plus, with kids at home, nothing will get written—who am I kidding?
Haha, yeah, kids certainly seem to chase away any time that could be devoted to writing at home, as far as I’ve heard from my friends with kids. I’m glad you’re able to find time during your lunch break.
What project(s) are you working on now?
I am trying to find homes for several flash stories, and my current work in progress is a fantasy novel about a blacksmith with an ability that brings an ancient world devourer closer to his world each time he uses it. Unfortunately, using this power is critical to stop a bubbling war between beings from the devourer’s dimension, the people, and a power-hungry general who is gathering others who use this power to (of course) conquer the world.
Wow, that novel sounds intense! I hope I get a chance to read it someday. Good luck with all of your writing projects, and thank you so much for stopping by!
Shannon Yukumi lives and works as an interpreter and translator in Japan, writes fiction in his spare time, and parents two children in the time he doesn’t have. Language tends to get away from him, but he claims that that isn’t his fault.
The Anthology

Old classics are fractured into exciting new tales in this international collection of magic, mystery, and adventure.
Some heroes go searching for their happily ever after: a dragon cocoon hunter explores the dangerous woods for his sleeping beauty; a prince forces a perfect romance on an unsuspecting maiden; and when a girl leaves town, she must quickly decide to trust—or be wary of—a new stranger.
Destiny is thrust upon others: a disconnected emperor struggles to retain his title; a frog prince leaves his pond in search of answers; and after Rapunzel is rescued, a new quest is awarded to her savior.
Whether it is destiny or choice, all actions have consequences: sibling rivalry pushes one little piggy to extremes and a princess must choose to follow her heart or step up as future queen. Prepare for an adventure as these eight fantastic fairy tales transport you to places beyond your imagination.
Fractured Ever After is available on Amazon for Kindle and in paperback. Buy your copy today!
The Giveaway

The Just-Us League and the Ever Afters have teamed up to host an epic giveaway celebrating their upcoming fairy tale anthologies! Enter for a chance to win one of FOUR sets of prizes!
Grand Prize (U.S. residents only)
- Two paperbacks (Fractured Ever After and Encircled)
- Book cozy
- Slipper ornament
- 3D-printed bookmark (pick one design)
- Set of four signed illustration prints
First Prize (U.S. residents only)
- Two paperbacks (Fractured Ever After and Encircled)
- “Fairy tales do come true” charm bracelet
- 3D-printed bookmark (pick one design)
- Set of four signed illustration prints
Second Prize (International)
- Two ebooks (Fractured Ever After and Encircled)
- 3D-printed bookmark (pick one design)
- Set of four signed illustration prints
Third Prize (International)
- Two ebooks (Fractured Ever After and Encircled)
- Choice of 3D-printed bookmark (pick one design) or set of four signed illustration prints
Enter for a chance to win here: Rafflecopter giveaway. Giveaway open from April 6th until April 30th, 2019.
And don’t forget to pick up your copies of the anthologies! Fractured Ever After is available on Amazon, and Encircled is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Apple Books.