Ensign’s Log, Entry 44: January Month Map, Week One Update

Ensign’s Log, Entry 44: January Month Map, Week One Update

It’s time for the first month map update of the year!

Despite being sick the first few days of January (I’m still very tired), I did make some progress on both Upgrade and Skin as White as Snow. I’ve edited three chapters and two interludes (brief scenes set between certain chapters) so far for Upgrade, and made progress towards finishing Skin‘s first draft.

This upcoming week, I hope to catch up with my editing for Upgrade and finish at least two chapters in Skin, which should bring me close to the climax…and after that, only a few chapters to the end of the book! I have a couple scenes that need to be filled in earlier in the novel, but that won’t take me long.

How are you doing with your January goals?


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