Category: <span>Thoughts</span>

The Cape Cod Writers Center Conference: Friday

Earlier this month, I attended the Cape Cod Writers Center Conference. It is a weekend literary conference that has been an annual occurrence for 55 years, making it one of the oldest on-going writing conferences in the US. I attended the conference with a good friend of mine, and we …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 42: Goals for 2017

Any Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fans reading this? If so, take a moment to celebrate with me the wonderful coincidence that this post is my 42nd entry in my Ensign’s Log. *ahem* Now that I’ve paid homage to one of the greatest science fiction novels of all time, the …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 41: 2016 Writing Highlights

This year has been a series of ups and downs, in writing, my personal life, and my work life. However, for this wrap-up post of the year, I want to focus on the positive side of my writing accomplishments. 2016 Writing Highlights January: Finished the first draft of Upgrade. February: …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 22: Time for some Introspection

This is a picture of me in Acadia National Park a couple years ago. It’s also my current profile picture on Scribophile, because I still haven’t gotten a good picture of my face (I’m simply not photogenic.) I like this picture because it reminds me that sometimes I need to …