Heather Hayden

Ensign’s Log, Entry 18: NaPoWriMo Day #7, A Limerick of a Writer

It has been a very long time since I last wrote a limerick, or even attempted to do so. As I’ve said before, I’m not a great poet, but I have fun writing poems and NaPoWriMo gives me the challenge I need to dust off my poetry muse. Today’s poem …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 17: NaPoWriMo Day #6

I’ve read many kinds of poems–sonnets, epics, free verse… But I think my favorite is the haiku. Brief, simple, beautiful poems. Scribophile has a post in their Writing Academy about haiku, which I’ve read multiple times and highly recommend to anyone interested in learning more about this lovely poetry form. …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 16: NaPoWriMo Day #5

I had quite the experience yesterday journeying home by bus–a trip that should have taken about eight hours took almost twelve thanks to a small collision (no one hurt, thankfully!) followed by bad weather (snow, in April? After last week’s high temps? What are you doing, Spring?!). Despite the bad …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 15: April Month Map and 2016 Writing Goals Update

A few things to talk about today, all related to my writing. 2016 started out very strong in January–I made a lot of progress with Upgrade. February had its moments, although the ultimate result was less than impressive. March made a good comeback, though more in terms of other things …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 14: National Poetry Writing Month and Poem #1

It’s April, which means that it is… National Poetry Writing Month For those of you unfamiliar with NaPoWriMo, April has been the month for celebrating poetry since 2003, when Maureen Thorson began writing a poem every day for the month of April. NaPoWriMo has a site that explains the origins …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 13: Final March Month Map Update!

Well, as you can tell from the spread of bunnies, I didn’t quite make it halfway through my month’s goals. Still, I did far better this month than I did in February. I’m not going to berate myself for not getting more done–you can drive yourself crazy with what ifs …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 12: March Month Map Update!

Look at those cute bunnies! They should be multiplying much faster than this, but unfortunately I think Upgrade is only getting one revision this month, as I don’t have enough crits and don’t expect another full set of them before the end of the month to allow for a second …

Saturday Shorts: Upgrade Excerpt #2

Belated again this week… But for good reason–I spent yesterday doing lots of work. Critting on Scribophile, editing Upgrade, chores around the house… At any rate, apologies for the belatedness. Today I’m sharing another excerpt from Upgrade, the opening of Chapter One. I’ve revised it after some feedback that it …