Heather Hayden

Author Interview: Imogen Keeper

Please welcome Imogen Keeper, this month’s interviewee for the Blog World Tour: Science Fiction Edition! Thank you for being here today, Imogen. Let’s start off with an easy question! How do you relax? If I’ve got time? Eat something delicious? Drink wine? Take a bath? Go for a walk? Eat …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 48: February Month Map Week 1 Update!

It’s time for a (belated) update to my February Month Map! Things are going well so far this month!   Upgrade: When February started, I was almost done with Chapter 9. I’m now almost done with Chapter 13, and hoping to get through Chapter 15 today. Then only a few …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 47: February Month Map!

It’s time for the final reveal of my January Month Map, a brief discussion of how January went, and then… *drumroll* February’s shiny new Month Map! First off, January: Upgrade: I now have almost nine out of twenty chapter revised completely. If I manage one a day (starting today), I …

Author Interview: Allie May

Today I’m interviewing Allie May, lover of fantasy and Disneyland, for the Blog World Tour: Fantasy Edition. Welcome to my blog, Allie! I’m looking forward to interviewing you. *shuffles questions* My first question is about plotting! Do you prefer writing to an outline, or do you simply let the story …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 46: January Month Map, Week Three Update

This is a few days late, but unsurprising given how busy I was last week with the Launch Party! I’m happy to report that I’m not longer sick and am also a lot less stressed now that the party is over. It was a lot of work, but also a …

Author Interview: Dawn Chapman

Today’s interviewee for the Blog World Tour: Science Fiction Edition is Dawn Chapman, author of The Secret King series, and Director of TSK Productions Ltd.! Welcome to my blog, Dawn! I’m glad you could be here today. My first question for you, as one science fiction writer to another, what …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 45: January Month Map, No Update This Week

Yes, that post title is correct, there’s no Month Map update this week. Though I did manage a few things earlier this week, the majority of it was spent fighting off, and eventually succumbing to, a cold. Or flu. Some sort of bug, anyway, that left me with very little …

Magic Monday: The Girl Who Drank the Moon by Kelly Barnhill

When I was first planning this blog post, the first Magic Monday book review of 2017, I thought it would be the first book I read this year, Iron Hearted Violet by Kelly Barnhill. However, I then picked up The Girl Who Drank the Moon by the same author (which …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 44: January Month Map, Week One Update

It’s time for the first month map update of the year! Despite being sick the first few days of January (I’m still very tired), I did make some progress on both Upgrade and Skin as White as Snow. I’ve edited three chapters and two interludes (brief scenes set between certain …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 43: January Month Map

It’s time to open the shiny new year with my first shiny new month map! I have three major goals this month, for three different projects. Upgrade: Final major revision, one chapter a day until done. After that, begin the polishing process. Skin as White as Snow: Finish the first …