Heather Hayden

Author Interview: H. T. Lyon

It’s time for another Blog World Tour: Science Fiction edition interview! Today, please welcome H. T. Lyon, a science fiction writer with an optimistic view on the future of our world. Thank you for being here today, H. T. Let’s dive into the questions! Do you write full-time or part-time? …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 52: March Month Map, Week Two Update!

I missed my week one update, but since most of what’s been done so far this month happened this past week, it’s not a big deal. However, now that we’re halfway through the month, it’s definitely time for an update! Here’s how I’m doing so far… Skin as White as …

Author Interview: Elise Edmonds

This post is part of a blog tour featuring Elise Edmonds and her recently published YA fantasy novel Where Carpets Fly. Join me for an interview and learn more about this amazing author and her captivating book! First, a bit about the novel itself: Elina Faramar finally leaves her family’s …

Magic Monday: Where Carpets Fly by Elise Edmonds

Magic Monday is normally on the second Monday of the month, but I missed February (shamefully, because I didn’t do much reading…) and I just finished reading an amazing young adult fantasy novel a couple days ago. So, without further ado, we return to another Magic Monday fantasy book review! …

Announcement: Augment is free through March 11th!

From now until March 11th, you can pick up a copy of Augment for free through Smashwords’s Read an Ebook Week sale. For those of you unfamiliar with my first published novel, it’s YA science fiction novel with a theme of friendship. Here’s the blurb: By Government-enforced mandate, genetic augmentation …

Author Interview: Corinne Morier

Today I’m interviewing Corinne Morier, a fellow fantasy writer and lover of memes, for the Blog World Tour: Fantasy Edition. Welcome to my blog, Corinne! (I’m resisting the urge to fill this post with memes in your honor. Readers, be thankful; unlike Corinne I am no queen of memes!) I’m …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 50: February Month Map – Final

Farewell, February, you were quite the productive month for me, despite being so short. I’ll be welcoming March in with a new month map sometime in the next few days, but today it’s time for a wrap-up of February’s month map. Let’s see how I did… I didn’t complete all …

Celebrating National Fairy Tale Day

I recently learned that today is National Fairy Tale Day. These days, it feels like pretty much every day is National Something Day, but there are a few I enjoy celebrating (Pi Day, anyone?) and National Fairy Tale Day just joined that list because I LOVE fairy tales! In celebration …

Ensign’s Log, Entry 49: February Month Map Week 2.5 Update!

Yes, you didn’t read the title wrong… Because this post is late I’m calling it week 2.5 instead of week 2 (or week 3, which is still a few days from its end.) The good news is that I’ve made a LOT of progress since my last update! Upgrade: Only …